Are you longing to feel good in your body during pregnancy?
Do you desire guidance on ways to play and connect with your baby?
Are you wondering how to safely practice yoga while pregnant?
Could guided meditation and breathwork benefit your parenting?
Practicing yoga is an opportunity to pause and listen to your inner wisdom while taking care of your health and well-being.
More coming soon on my upcoming yoga class offerings.
Subscribe to my newsletter for a free Baby + Me Yoga demo + more!
Builds stamina for labor, birth and holding baby
Increases circulation and reduces swelling
Eases low back and round ligament pains
Improves balance, flexibility and strength
Helps posture and reduces neck and shoulder pain
Provides energy and aids sleep
Reduces stress and creates inner peace
Teaches breathwork for labor and parenting
Can help get baby in optimal position
Emotionally prepares you for parenting journey
~My prenatal yoga classes, though focused on those carrying, are given in English and welcome all who are getting ready for labor, birth and/or parenthood, including carriers, partners, caretakers, surrogates, intended parents and adoptive parents, of all races, genders, sexualities, nationalities, abilities, social classes, ages, cultures and levels of education.
*My classes are NOT for people who are uncomfortable with my efforts of using inclusive language, such as “birthing person”, “carriers”, “intended parents” or “feeding from the body”.
Releases tension in areas of the body that commonly tire when caring for a baby, such as neck, shoulders and back
Helps carriers and birthers bring strength back to their postpartum bodies, including abdominals and pelvic floor
Provides an opportunity to connect, play and experience joy with baby
Brings breath and calmness to your caretaking journey
Offers a chance to break up what can be mundane in the postpartum days
Aids in digestion and sleep for adults and babies alike
Teaches self-relaxation and nervous system regulation
~For babies 8 weeks old (actual or adjusted) to crawling; multiples welcome.
~For all parents/caregivers (whether you carried and birthed, assisted or adopted) with parents’/guardians’ permission.
~For yogis of all levels, birthing experiences, feeding choices, races, genders, sexualities, nationalities, abilities, social classes, ages, cultures and levels of education.
*My classes are NOT for people who are unwelcoming of families that look different from their own, or who are uncomfortable with my efforts of using inclusive language, such as “feeding baby from body or bottle” or “hug baby to your heart”.
“Sarah guided me through my twin pregnancy by listening to my specific needs. She helped prepare me for my birthing experience physically, mentally and emotionally, and gave me so many resources to help me make informed decisions. I never felt judged or ashamed for what I hoped my birth experience would entail, and I am so grateful for her knowledge to guide me. I ended up having a beautiful birth that gave me my two incredible twin boys!”
H. Boyer
“Sarah delivered a fantastic yoga experience for my son and I! While slowly introducing new exercises and movements to my four month son, I too was able to help wake muscles that had been dormant after pregnancy. Along with the stretches, songs, hugs, and laughs I felt so lucky to safely and comfortably socialize with other moms and babies during our class time. I highly recommend joining one of her classes.”
Chloë La Puma
“We thoroughly enjoyed Sarah’s Baby + Me Yoga classes. The bonding time with my baby and chance to get out together was always special. We also learned a lot and could see what we did in class correlate to daily life and skills for baby. Getting to be around other babies and moms too was great. I highly recommend these classes. Thank you Sarah!”
Deb Pistella
“I highly recommend Sarah P. McGonigle’s Baby and Me Yoga class of low-impact moves for both you and your baby. The breathing and stretches felt so good on my sore body, as I spend most of my time sitting up cross-legged feeding my baby and my back and legs are super achy! And the baby stretches helped my litter farter release some air too, so if she could speak I’m sure she’d also endorse this class.”